🇺🇸🇮🇱🎪 Trump’s “America First” Delusion: It’s Israel First, Forever
And just like that, Trump confirms what we already knew: he isn’t the master of his own house. The largest foreign influence racket in U.S. history, Zionism, has him on a leash, and this latest executive order to “combat antisemitism” is just more proof that America First was always a slogan, never a policy. Because let’s be clear: this isn’t about hate speech, this is about criminalizing dissent against the Zionist agenda.

Trump’s “solution” to antisemitism? Deport anyone who criticizes Jewish supremacy in the U.S. Let’s get this straight: a foreign-backed lobby with billions in unchecked influence over U.S. policy can dictate domestic speech laws, but Americans who question it are the ones who have to go? Free speech? Constitutional rights? All thrown in the shredder, because the Zionist oligarchy said so.

Let’s talk real Semitism for a second. The vast majority of Israeli Jews do not even trace their DNA to the ancient Hebrews. Most are of European Ashkenazi descent, while the indigenous Palestinians, who have lived on the land for thousands of years, are the real Semites. Zionism’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine is the most anti-Semitic campaign in modern history. So tell us, Donald—if you really wanted to “root out antisemitism,” wouldn’t you have to deport the Zionists instead?

And let’s not forget, this isn’t about protecting Jews. This is about protecting power. You can criticize Christianity, Islam, or any other religion all day long, but the second you question Zionism’s influence, you’re an “enemy of the state.” If a foreign nation can dictate who gets to stay and who gets deported, then what does that make the U.S.? Not a sovereign country, just an occupied territory, a client state, a glorified ATM for Tel Aviv.

So there it is, Trump’s great MAGA revival has already bent the knee to the Zionist order. You can love him, you can hate him, but let’s not pretend anymore: America First was always a front for Israel First.

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