Trump raised an executive order releasing the Zionist scum hidden files on the murder of JFK in the 60’s that implicates Israel fifth column set up in America in his murder.
War criminal Rumsfeld a U.S. Congressman (1963–1969)** wrote this Zionist agent hiding letter at the age of 30, before joining the Nixon administration where he met the lying crooked racist war criminal Blackrock Zionist crooked racist pig Dick Cheney, the father of Jan 6 treason flabby twat Liz, whose crimes and treason were pardoned by nappy shitter Zionist Biden last week.
After this the dirty anal abuser of Abu Grab in Iraq had a number of high paying deep state scum roles leading to the lies of the Iraq war under Bush where the dirty crooked Zionist pig Zionist American scum killed over one million Iraqis. Deep state Zionist pigs exposed.
The filthy deep state Zionist pig stink reeks in this letter all the way back to the 1960’s.

The released file before his brains were blown out by the Deep State traitors stated that the crooked scum Zionist American Council were agents of the genocide pervert Israeli racist anal raping genocide filth.
This echoes the dirty pervert Netanyahu Mossad scum raping American children in the Israeli agent Epstein rape dens – the filthy crooked scum have reeked for decades.

Israel is panicking that the Zionist pervert racist treason of the filthy crooked fake Semite begging tramp that infest America will be exposed. Treason of the Zionist scum reeks of genocide racist anal abuser IDF paedo scum. .