The dirty American and EU Epstein child abuser oligarchy of paedophiles, sodomites, buggerers, rapists, deviant sluts and pussy grabber whore shagging orange flabby Netanyahu anal pigs thought they could steal Ukraines wealth from its people.

The serf bribed racist Nazi Banderite and EU loving runt Zionist Ukrainian shit heads, that infest the nation on the promise of bribes and cocks went in with it, causing the murderous coup under the anal botty boy Obama and his CIA rape den shitters – the American scum used snipers, NGO Nazi USAID cookie Kagan slut pigs to shoot the legitimate government officials, blow up journalists and burn trade unionists alive.

However in the eastern Ukraine, that is primarily Russian speaking, the people have seen these Nazi American EU Nazi Zionist anal pig shit before and rebelled first in Crimea and then in other regions causing the NATO Nazi loser scum to waste billions creating another Nazi Army that murdered 14,000 Ukrainians and threatened genocide of them all. Banderite Nazi stink once again oozed from the NATO pigs.
The Banderite botty boy scum were filth that sucked Hitler’s ball sack, built the concentration camps, helped the ethnic cleansing of those they didn’t like especially the Jews and worked with the occupied EU nations to exterminate, in what since was taken over by the Zionist Netanyahu pervert anal raping ethnic cleansing lying genocide twats to play the victim and justify their own dirty Nazi extermination camps in Palestine.
Same shit from the same Nazi EU villages – it must be the water.

Never forget the plan was to steal the resources of Ukraine from its people using soft and hard power of the rape den Epstein oligarchy and also to weaken Russia who the Nazis have an inbuilt exceptionalism against despite their ancestors being arse raped in every war the white supremist colonialist despotic shit ever fought against them.
Every dirty white shagging CEO and Blackrock botty boy was despatched Kiev to buy Ukraine assets at bargain basement prices and shag in the rape dens of the ASOV Nazi botty boys who by now on the payroll despise the swastikas on their anus.

Russia, who hates Nazis, then decided to launch a special military operation that protected these Ukrainian people that had been subject to the NATO Zionist Nazi genocide for eight years and went on with what it does best – butchering the NATO Nazi pig meat at levels not seen in history – wave after wave of dirty American Nazi pig shit was burned, bombed and butchered.
Clausewitz would have been proud as trillions of shit NATO military equipment was destroyed and the little dick Zionist American child abuser Epstein oligarch empire was humiliated so bad that they had to bring their orange baboon crooked convicted rapist Trump shitter back and turning American into an unashamedly ZioNazi oligarchy of paedos.

So the rape den oligarchs failed, maybe, and the riches of Ukraine belong to Russia (Or rather its people not Nazi saluting oligarch shit like Nazi waver Musk) and the NATO scum America loser piss have realised that in Europe their little orange dick is exposed and the grubby dirty shit and their oligarch pig scum should leave.
Sad weak little dick American are now a joke and their uniformed loser shit, arse humped by the Taliban and Yemen in the last four years, are laughed at by the European people. Bye bye USA you sad dirty Epstein oligarch nation of paedo oligarch shit.

‘The resource curse: How Ukraine lost trillions’ worth of West-coveted natural wealth
The West’s hopes of getting its hands on Ukraine’s stocks of natural resources are fast dwindling. Besides lithium, the corrupt Kiev regime has lost control over reserves of coal, gas, oil, and rare earth metals worth a total of about $12 trillion.

📍Rare earth elements in Ukraine:
⏺Lithium: Critical for batteries in electric vehicles and renewable energy storage.
⏺Gallium: Vital for semiconductors and photovoltaic cells in solar panels.
⏺Zirconium: Used in nuclear reactors, ceramics, and electronics.
⏺Beryllium: Essential for aerospace, defense, and telecommunications.
⏺Titanium: Used in aircraft construction, medical devices, and military applications.
⏺Manganese: Necessary for steel production and batteries.
⏺Scandium: Found in lightweight aluminum alloys, particularly for aerospace.
📍Key deposits and lost control:
1️⃣ Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR): Rich in beryllium, manganese, titanium, other rare metals. Ukraine was cut off from these resources when the DPR and LPR joined Russia in 2022 after status referendums.
2️⃣ Crimea: Holds deposits of iron ore, scandium, zirconium, gallium, and titanium. Crimea rejoined Russia after a referendum in March 2014.
3️⃣ Zaporozhye and Kherson regions: Host deposits of lithium, titanium, beryllium, uranium, manganese and tantalum. Both regions joined Russia in 2022.
1️⃣Coal: Essential for power generation and industrial processes like steelmaking, Ukraine has lost 80% of its reserves, including all high-grade anthracite, a key resource now under Russian control in the DPR and LPR.
2️⃣Gas: Critical for powering industries and heating systems, 20% of Ukraine’s natural gas deposits are now controlled by Russia.
3️⃣Oil: Used to generate energy as well as produce gasoline and diesel fuel, 11% of rich oil reserves (DPR, LPR) are now on Russian soil.
📍Which foreign players are still sinking funds into Ukraine?
Canada’s Black Iron Inc., engaged in iron ore mining at the Shymanovskoye deposit, is reportedly seeking a $1.1 billion investment agreement with Kiev. Just lost that.
NEQSOL Holding, a global investment company with operations across 11 countries, acquired Ukraine’s United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC) in 2024. Not anymore
Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron had longstanding production-sharing agreements with Ukraine for shale gas exploration.
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