King of the Zionist Paedos

The dirty Zionist pervert Trump and his Klu Klux Klan MAGA racist genocide filth have decided to attack the poor migrants that they shipped in by their Blackrock rape den corporate scum to be low cost serfs.

The whore shagging Epstien rape Island fat Zionist Trump filth and his paramilitary brown shit Nazi pigs hunted down migrants across America.

The dirty filthy MAGA paramilitary shit then arrested them without following the so called constitution, the MAGA white supremist pigs constantly stuff up their rape den anus, and put them in cages like animals without proper legal representation.

The American genocide pervert nation, of so called freedom and democracy said nothing to Nazi pig Zionist Trump and his dirty white supremist anal abuser Netanyahu racist scum. Clearly the Rules Based Order only applies to the child raping Netanyahu white pig meat. Left or right the amer shit reek of the Zionist racist Nazi stink of colonialist abuser scum.

The child rapist Netanyahu bribed Trump crooked piss the. put these souls in chains on military aircraft and tried to rendition them to Colombia.

Colombia, a once long term ally of the American child raping Zionist scum, sent the military Nazi Trump pigs back and told the Trump whore shagging shitter to follow sovereignty and human rights laws that pig American genocide shit seem to try to ram down the globe when killing brown people.

This resistance by a sovereign state sent the fat flabby child abuser Epstien rape den island dirty shit into a rage, similar to when being convicted of rape or paying of porn stars he shagged , and the dirty Zionist flabby piss, who used thousand of migrants, threatened sanctions and tariffs on the developing nation.

The world saw what the next four years of the anal raping Zionist American shit will be like. Colombia sent the presidents pane to return their citizens with dignity and told the world what the Trump whore shagging pervert did.

Time to remove the dirty pervert Zionist American racist pig meat from your nations- mock the flabby dirty Nazi bummer Trump and his slapper Nazi village wife – Netanyahu Epstein rape den scum whore pigs reek.

Colombia will join BRICS and get the dirty shit stink of America Zionist whore mongering old filthy racist MAGA filth out its borders.

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