The American ZioNazi empire of child raping fake Semite Netanyahu blackmailed oligarchs is collapsing from trillions of dollars of expensive military equipment being made obsolete by drone and hypersonic missiles in Europe, to the billion dollar fire work displays of the American paid for Iron Dome missiles in Zionist Tel Aviv, to the billions in military vehicles blown to to pieces in Kursk after a failed NATO Nazi invasion of Russia, the American paedo Epstein Zionist oligarchs can no longer hide the collapse and it’s bleeding trillions trying to be Number One.

All the ZioNazi losers can only really do is hide the what money they have in their dirty grubby Epstein Island child abusing technocrats perverts bank accounts robbing the debt enslaved middle classes while poor as fck MAGA red neck flag waving propaganda distracts the poor thick piss by blaming other nations, migrants or women/gays/non heterosexuals for their poverty stricken lives in America.

Blame anyone else but never ever blame the child raping Zionist oligarchs who’ve enriched themselves at the expense of the debt enslaved American workers is the new Trump mantra.

Trump instead of reversing the oligarch enrichment has pulled away the ZioNazi anal bummer curtain and had to double downed in keeping his Zionist child raping scum pals rich and ensure that all the media propaganda that might say otherwise is in the control of his Epstein titty watching tech oligarch gimp weak twat oligarchs.

Social media is the last bastion of American dominance but it is a double edged sword as while it allows colonialist Polish imported racist piss Netanyahu filthy animals to justify genocide of Palestinians the format, despite cancelling, also allows the Trump and his ZioNazi pigs to be humiliated and their supporters mocked as thick Nazi anal raping pig shit.

Trump is trying to threaten and cajole the globe into accepting an American empire of child raping ZioNazi oligarch American shit and he is trying in his first week to distract those countries from resisting a ZioNazi system that exploits them such as Mexico and Canada.
This is necessary as the American illusion of ‘Freedom and Democracy’ has been exposed as a wank joke of the MAGA serf genocide anal abuser meth head shit who live on minimum wage working for billionaires who think they’re worthless piss and more importantly after Afghanistan, Yemen and Ukraine their once mighty uni-polar military baby killing pervert uniformed pig shit are now just loser parasites who only joined fir free food, healthcare and sex change drugs.

ZioNazi American hold on global trade has been smashed largely as a result of losing its Banderite Nazi Proxy military and economic war against Russia and failed sanctions against trade with China, Russia, Iran and other BRICS members.
It would be madness for other countries not to reject the American ZioNazi system now and to flush the dirty child abuser Netanyahu clapping American colonialist racist thieving pigs and no amount of wank Nazi Trump propaganda false narratives will change that as even now their installed vassal runts are being flushed annually such as the Johnson, Truss, Sunak Starmer UK piss where anyone the ZioNazi scum installed is humiliated and abused as a dirty Zionist Anal abuser (which they are) even the King is shouted at and told to piss off.

The ZioNazi American empire is despised and all free nations most remove the genocide stink of the Trump child abuser Epstein paedo American empire scum – there can be no tolerance of any American while their filthy Zionist anal raping oligarchs exist.

MAGA serf shit will continue to be poor too thick to realise they are nothing while MRNA vaccines cull them down and the Trump Wizard will lose power in November 2026 and become as useless lame duck president and impeached until the next puppet rape den Zionist paedo is elected.

Time to chop the heads off the oligarchs.