Ethnic Cleansing, Not Security: Mearsheimer Exposes the Gaza Playbook

John Mearsheimer, laid bare a disturbing truth:
“Israelis were not interested in destroying Hamas; they were interested in ethnically cleansing Gaza.”

This statement cuts through the fog of Israel’s so-called “self-defense” narrative, revealing the calculated strategy behind decades of violence and slow motion genocide in Gaza.
Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the Zionist project systematically displaces Palestinians, using groups like Hamas as convenient scapegoats to justify brutal crackdowns, barbaric bombings, war crimes and territorial expansion.

It’s not about security; it’s about erasure.
Mearsheimer’s words rip the mask off Zionist propaganda.
‘ Gaza has been turned into an open-air prison, a grotesque experiment in collective punishment that the Western media obediently repackages as a security operation. Ethnic cleansing is not an unfortunate byproduct, it’s the goal.

The cycle is simple: provoke, dehumanize, and displace.
Israel’s strategy hinges on weaponized victimhood while it carries out land grabs and demographic engineering.

The West funds it, the media launders it, and Palestinians pay the price in blood.

As the Global South rises, the tide may turn, but the scars of Gaza will remain as a damning indictment of Zionism’s true face.

Remove the American paedo Nazi fake Semite shit from Europe and mock the flabby dirty Epstein rape den kiddie fiddler Trump and his Netanyahu anal raping pigs.