Trump in one of his first acts was to remove the safeguards enshrined in the Federal Government for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to protect American citizens from the racism of white supremist Anglo-Saxon genocidal anal raping scum like Trump.

The Epstien genocide ‘Israel First’ whore shagger stated in the executive order ‘The public release of these plans demonstrated immense public waste and shameful discrimination’ an interesting take from a Zionist racist whore shagging oligarch mindset when his only female appointees look like MILF Pornhub white only shag pieces of his Zionist pals porn sites.

Trump then went on to instruct his Federal Employees to identify anyone and contractors who may try to make Diversity, Equity and inclusion in the offices of a whore shagging adulterer white Zionist shit boy

Trump appointees were being sworn in to the ‘white fake titties only’ Administration of the Israel First regime where sucking Polish racist Netanyahu anal abuser penis was a pre-requisite in any appointment (and big fake titties).

Trump a racist narcissistic genocide Zionist anal abuser Netanyahu shitter needs only whites to carry out the genocide and rape of the ZioNazi satanic evil scum oligarchy the grubby twat represents.

Trump targeting minorities and anyone who doesn’t have white big fake titties and be moderately shaggable.