The fake Semite racist imported regime Zionist Knesset just voted to significantly raise the 2024 budget’s deficit cap due to its ongoing genocide in Palestine that it occupies illegally with the help of ‘Israel First’ Trump scum.

The impact of murdering and ethnic cleansing the indigenous Palestinians the imported east European Nazi village scum needs another $9 billion to cover the costs of ZioNazi American supplied bombs and aircraft. Interestingly one billion of this was wasted shooting down some low vale Iranian drones when it faced retaliation for its extrajudicial executions in Tehran.

In addition, the anal raping racist scum that murdered more Israelis under the Hannibal Directive on Oct 7 than Hamas by using the American supplied Attack helicopters and missiles on those Israelis fleeing, also extend Israel’s state of emergency until 16 December 2025 in line with the security cabinet’s recommendation, to hide any resistance to the Netanyahu ethnic cleansing.

In addition aside from lots of money to Blackrock and other ZioNazi Trump oligarchs the Zionist regime is expected to have at lead 100,000 disabled soldiers by 2030 who suffer from psychological and physical injuries assuming they get out of Syria.

This cost of genocide will be another $3-4 Billion needed per year to the Defence Rehabilitation Budget to take care of the families of maimed and dead baby killing racist IDF killers and the severe mental health issues in carrying out a genocide. This excludes the costs of hiding the IDF scum that have dual nationality where they will be hunted like Nazis across the globe.

Even the loser United States who provides significant military and economic aid to Israel only gives the murdering Netanyahu anal raping scum $4Bn a year so effectively paying for legless, armless and mental PTSD dirty Nazi cabbages but at least they will have a strong Paralympic Team if the globe lets them compete without arrest or being hunted like pigs.

Increasingly the Israelis will now have to go beg the ZioNazi American bankrupt nation for more money like the dirty Jewish comedian Zelensky which results in the nation being mocked and treated like dirty tramp begging gimp shit where Israel leader suck the Trump pipes like Netanyahu.

So the murder of 50,000 Palestinians and a globe that, once the American shit are flushed from Europe will burn and butcher the Zionist racist filth that is unless the Arabs get to them first and in that case the world will cheer as the imported white supremist European despised shit are minced like the Palestinians they murdered.
Karma is a bitch as the world hates the racist anal abuser Netanyahu filthy animals – satanic evil racist murdering pigs.