The American education system had been so ran down and its media under the control of child abuser Zionist Epstien oligarch buggerers that they still have not figured out the wank gibber of Tariffs from the Orange Pornstar Humper Trump.

Tariffs or more correctly described as Import Taxes, that fat twat ZioNazi whore monger wants to be placed on anyone and everyone he blames for his anal raping Zionist empire failing, that will result in higher prices to American Citizens.
A highly efficient and technically more advanced car made in China for $20,000 will be subject to a 100% tax so Americans will pay $40,000 where as Canadians and Mexicans pay $20,000. Hilarious is it not that MAGA piss cannot work this out but you can wave at the genocide racist paedo pigs in the road begging for scraps in your new car.

Trump dresses this xenophobic protectionist policy by saying it will keep American auto workers in jobs, which even the most numb arse red neck simpleton would know is another fallacy as an equivalent American made car is $90,000 which is unaffordable to the minimum wage American serf piss of the oligarchy perverts like Hitler Musk or tit watcher fake Semite genocide boy Zuckerberg.

In response to these Tariffs (Import taxes) mainly on his allies and China (the world largest economy) will be reciprocated in the MAGa twats with import taxes on American made products that are exported.
For example, billions and billions of dollars of American made agricultural and farming products would be taxed and then ultimately no longer needed in these Countries (as you’ll buy elsewhere).
So what does this mean for the MAGA American sat with debt, bills and funding Banderite Nazis in Ukraine and dirty anal raping Nazi village imported Netanyahu fake Semite pig shit in the Middle East… it means you pay the Tariffs (import taxes) that the fat rapist Trump has imposed on you and your company will start laying you off when their exports dry up.

Inflation will be back and the loser sad act MAGA piss humped there arseholes with this crooked flabby oligarch of the Epstien Island Zionist child raping filth.
The mid-terms will be in 2026 and the fat flabby Zionist twat and his Netanyahu genocide pig bribed shit can be flushed and based on his attack on democrats in his first week, the MAGA piss be the ones that pay.
Revenge will be sweet on the Netanyahu bribed satanic fake Semite fake Christian genocide evil MAGA Nazi filthy shit. White supremist arse shit reek like the filthy dirty vaginas of the Trump shag pieces.