British King Cnut sat on the seashore and tried to command the tide not to touch his feet, but the sea ignored him. This is a tale of the megalomania meeting reality and Trump just had his moment in the Zionist World Economic Forum of the genocide paedophile oligarchs.

Trump, who illegally funded the Wuhan Biolab, that caused the COVID genocide for the World Economic Forum Zionist globalist rich shit.
The deluded whore shagger proclaimed to the globalist shite, before the Zionist scum fucked whores in Davos paedo pits that his nation began ‘the Golden Age of America.’

The deluded demented twat, who was couped in 2020 by Biden, who was also was couped by the Zionist pigs in 2024 said he won ‘by millions of votes’ when he has a razor thin majority in Congress and the Senate with only 49% of the vote.
The mental Zionist shitter, of the Netanyahu genocide scum, went on that such small electoral margins gave the narcissist whore shagger ‘a massive mandate from the American people, like hasn’t been seen in many years. ‘ truly a new level of deplorable gibber from the adulterer.

He then went on to say ‘ Our country will soon be stronger, wealthier and more united than ever before, and the entire planet will be more peaceful and prosperous’ despite the forecast the old pervert will increase the debt to $50 Trillion from $36Tn in four more years of Zionist oligarch robbery’.
The flabby twat who is now funding the Zionist fake Semite Netanyahu genocide of Palestinians and sending billions in weapons to Banderite Nazis for his NATO twat loser anal abuser EU scum vassals. All of this is costing the sad wanker MAGA white supremist arse shit billions as their debt increases and they’ll lose two more wars.

He, despite his Republica. party being in charge of the Congress for the last two years, Trump had a pop at senile nappy shitter Biden ‘Over the past four years, our government racked up $8 trillion in wasteful deficit spending and inflicted nation wrecking energy restrictions, crippling regulations and hidden taxes like never before.’
The filthy shitter has not launched an investigation to which Zionist traitor thieving dirty Blackrock scum controlled Biden as they were stealing from the Americans as now proven that Biden was a vegetable.

The manky piss old twat then stated another lie advising that America had ‘the worst inflation crisis in modern history, and sky-high interest rates’ which is utter economic bollocks for a nation that has a deficit of $3Tn per year.
He then proudly announced, the monkey spunky MAGA wank juice policy, on a nation that has two to five environmental disasters linked to climate change.
He took his time and jacked of his little todger ‘I terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful Green New Deal – I call it the Green New Scam; withdrew from the one sided Paris climate accord;‘ effectively leaving his nation to have 5-10 catastrophic events per year (after all the old pervert dirty Zionist shit will be in hell soon)
After this speech as moment of comedy gold he then later went to mock the loser MAGA piss who lost their homes in hurricanes in North Carolina and wildfires in California. King Canute would be proud of such godlike thick pissery.

Despite America being self sufficient in oil and poisoning its water table with expensive fracking he went on with another spunk monkey jizz along for his white MAGA piss ‘I declared a national energy emergency (when there isn’t one) – and that’s so important – a national energy emergency to unlock the liquid gold under our feet (and his Blackrock paedo corporate WEF wanker pals)‘.

He then said to the WEF globalist Zionist scum and the globe the usual import tax (tariffs) gibber ‘ lmy message to every business in the world is very simple: Come make your product in America and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on Earth.’
Biden said something similar and wasted billions on inefficient costly and expensive factory plants that were obsolete before they were even built. From chips to automobiles the loser American shit just don’t have the infrastructure or skills for modern manufacturing and his good ole’ MAGA piss are thick expensive lazy twats compared to Chinese manufacturing workers.
As always he upped the fallacies by doing the usual lie of the Zionist scum, promised free money to thick shit, in this fallacy where the lying crooked twat insists to his thick piss that import taxes are on the producer ‘tariffs which will direct hundreds of billions of dollars and even trillions of dollars into our Treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt.’.

The thick MAGA shit are too dumb and the Trump twat too clever (he can’t be that fcking stupid) to realise that it is the American citizens that will pay the import taxes. In addition, the flabby demented bitter twat, who must have been sent mental shagging porn stars, failed to realise it is the American companies that own the factories in China and Europe and Canada and Mexico …
He then gave a back slap to his murdering Zionist Saudi Prince, MDS who was shaken down and will have to pay more protection money to keep the Saudi Islamic state, that chops up journalists while he licks their shit pipe- he went on ‘And it’s also reported today in the papers that Saudi Arabia will be investing at least $600 billion in America. But I’ll be asking the Crown Prince – who’s a fantastic guy – to round it out to around $1 trillion.’

The deluded American clown then went on ‘ And I’m also going to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC to bring down the cost of oil.’ Where the OPEC nations can ruin their economies like the German Nazi Banderite EU scum.. turkeys voting for Xmas (except they don’t celebrate that).
The deluded twat had been wanking on Truth Social probably and come up with the idea that ‘If the (oil) price came down, the Russia-Ukraine war would end immediately’ as if Putin will stop butchering Banderite Zionist Zelensky genocide anal raping shit for the orange white shagging Zionist pig.

In a new level of megalomania the deposed Zionist genocide clapping flabby pervert said of the perception of Orange Man back on the planet ‘They say that there’s light shining all over the world since the election, and even countries that we aren’t particularly friendly with are happy’. Better him than the Zionist child raping Netanyahu anal pigs that owned Biden might be a more likely perception.
The mental white supremist Zionist American twats are too deluded to realise the scum are despised from east to the west and north to the south as the stink of Zionist loser gencide bankrupt piss reeks as bad as the WEF paedo shit in the room sucking his shit pipe get calling him a racist fascist for ten years.

The dirty Banderite pig stated his desire for the Ukraine war to continue by demanding more money for Zelensky and that the EU to waste more billions in dirty Blackrock useless military equipment L ‘I’m also going to ask all NATO nations to increase defence spending to 5% of GDP, which is what it should have been years ago. It was only at 2%, and most nations didn’t pay until I came along. I insisted that they pay.’
The world actually really wants Russia to rip the NATO genocide Zionist colonialist piss apart and even their own military now have to hide in barracks from abuse.

He then thanked his pervert WEF scum he enriched in his COVID lableak genocide and MRNA democide that fully implicates him with lying dirty globalist Zionist pigs ‘I do appreciate I heard the audience is fantastic – and many of my friends are in the audience’.

Sad pathetic deluded twat- mock this sad Epstein Island nonce and his thick loser MAGA numb shitters – get the American genocide fake Semite Zionist racist piss stink out your nations and butcher the WEF filthy Zionist rich scum.