Trump, the Zionist rape den island whore shagger, who was the President than illegally funded the COVID biolab programme in China was welcomed back by the child rapist Zionist oligarchs after the biggest transfer of wealth in history to the oligarch Zionist anal raping scum.

CornaVirus Orange pig used the event to wank off the MAGA thick dirty serf American piss with his Tariff wank gibber that will increase costs for the loser thick shit American bankrupt scum and threaten his Epstien whore den bummer mates.
Trump promised the world’s oligarch crooked Zionist globalist arse shit decision-makers lower taxes if they brought manufacturing to the US and threatened the achieve. to impose tariffs if they didn’t in his Davos address.

The deluded rapist claimed he had a “massive mandate” from the American people despite only receiving 49% of the Vote, largely thanks to the Zionist media oligarch switching from nappy shitter Biden, and he only had razor thin majorities in Congress and the Senate that means he becomes a “lame duck” president in less than 20 months at the mid terms. More deluded gibber of deplorable despotic adulterous racist wanker of the Zionist scum who’s behind these Anglo Saxon pervert twats.

He demanded the globalist sweat shop owning greedy oligarch scum of the Epstien rape den pigs to “Come make your product in America and we will give you among the lowest taxes as any nation on earth,” Trump said despite wasting billions trying to make anything in America. The fat stupid woman abuser doesn’t realise his nation have little to no STEM skills or education system that can deliver it / all Americans want to be OnlyFans whores and MethHeads.

He then did his usual convicted rapist Zionist loser shit boy tariff wank that will increase costs for the loser MAGA thick shit – “But if you don’t make your product in America, which is your prerogative, then very simply, you will have to pay a tariff — differing amounts — but a tariff, which will direct hundreds of billions of dollars and even trillions of dollars into our treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt under the Trump administration.”

Despite the orange wankstain being repeated my told by experts that tariffs, which are imposed on incoming goods and services, are covered mainly by the end consumer (the thick American piss serfs). .

Rothschild flabby ugly European pervert and Davos founder Klaus Schwab has invited the rapist Trump to speak at the globalist Zionist pig shit summit in person next year.
Remove the American genocide ZioNazi anal raping shit from Europe and help Russia and China flush the Zionist piss stink of racist loser white supremacy arse pigs.
American twats are bankrupt – get the piss flushed as reek of Netanyahu genocide fake Semite anal raping shit. Dirty Zionist pigs are finished – remove the filthy genocide dirty filth as disgusting like the orange raping crooked Trump bloated twat.