The devil went down to North Carolina to wank off thick MAGA twats.
Pornstar shagger ZioNazi Trump instead of offering help to those impacted by Climate Change says states should manage disasters and Drill Baby Drill Blackrock nonce said on Friday and wishing to shut down the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would be better. An act of a thick selfish Washington wankstain.

The flabby Netanyahu shitter, who gives billions to fake Semite Nazi village Israeli genocide anal abusers, said to the thick shit that elected the ZioNazi orange scum bag:
“When you have a problem like this… you want to use your state to fix it,” in Asheville, N.C., which was destroyed by the remnants of Hurricane Helene in 2024.
The flabby dirty slag pissed off elsewhere leaving his twats in the mud and leaving no extra money for the serf loser war criminal American serf piss of the Zionist oligarchy.

Laugh at the sad twats that lick the piss of the Epstien child rape island oligarchy.