Bishop Mariann E. Budde, the brave leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, made a plea to the ZioNazi Trump, who claps the blood raping genocide of Netanyahu and his imported Nazi village racist anal raping pervert Zionist scum, for mercy, on behalf of everyone who is scared by the ways he has threatened to wield his power.

“I had a feeling that there were people watching what was happening and wondering, Was anyone going to say anything?” she explained quietly in an interview on Tuesday night with the New York Times . “Was anyone going to say anything about the turn the country’s taking?”
Whore and porn shagging pussy grabber pervert Trump was unmoved, after all the traitor takes the Zionist raid den oligarch bribe money, demanded an apology from the “so-called Bishop” and “Radical Left hard line Trump hater.”

The grubby Netanyahu adulterous shitter, who could not face touching the Bible held by his cheated on poor immigrant wife held in his inauguration, after the Bishop’s speech ramped up his racist war criminal xenophobic MAGA serf loser scum on the Nazi saluting social media sites to attack the Bishop with a range of racist, homophobia, pervert and Nazi Zionist gibber of the satanic anal abuser Netanyahu pigs.

The religious leader went on to say he had not anticipated the level of fury and personal attack that her words had unleashed, People were questioning everything from her character and qualifications to the state of her eternal soul, and “how soon I should get to my eternal soul, and whether I belong in this country.”
More than 14,000 people signed an online petition thanking Bishop Budde within four hours. Episcopalians around Washington proudly posted online in gratitude that Bishop Budde was their spiritual leader, representing their Christianity unlike the satanic ZioNazi Trump and his evil dirty Zionist paedophile racist pig shit.

Mock the dirty scum that call themselves followers of Christ that suck the anal raping Zionist pig stink of Polish piss genocide Netanyahu and his imported racist anal raping satanic pigs. Hell waits for these racist evil scum and Trump will be humiliated every time his filthy dirty ZioNazi scum operate – no tolerance of Netanyahu pipe sucking Nazi pigs.