Trump never forgave the dirty CIA child raping ZioNazi scum for hiding the paedophile crimes of Hunter Biden and his daughter showering father.
The dirty CIA child abusers hid the treason of the Biden family dirty scum taking bribes, committing incest and whore shagging all with “10% for the bid guy”.

The dirty oligarchy media of Murdoch, Bezos and Zuckerberg banned and cancelled anyone that exposed the child abusing Zionist anal abusing Epstien scum up to and including cancelling the President.

Trump has not forgotten, and in the absence of a pardon for the Zionist Biden Netanyahu traitor scum, he raised an Executive Order to hunt the dirty #CIA child raping scum down. The direct live stated :
“Section 1. Purpose. In the closing weeks of the 2020 Presidential campaign, at least 51 former intelligence officials coordinated with the Biden campaign to issue a letter discrediting the reporting that President Joseph R. Biden’s son had abandoned his laptop at a computer repair business. Signatories of the letter falsely suggested that the news story was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

It started with removing the security clearance of the fifty or so scum that lied in a letter that tried to hide the child raping Biden laptop crimes as Russian misinformation.
The shame and humiliation on the #CIA for their treason was there for the nation to see however Trump was not finished with the Zionist rape den Epstien oligarch hiding CIA scum.

However, this act was not the end for CIA traitor child abusers- the directive went on:
“b) Within 90 days of this order, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, shall submit a report to the President through the National Security Advisor that details:
(i) any additional inappropriate activity that occurred within the Intelligence Community, by anyone contracted by the Intelligence Community or by anyone who held a security clearance, related to the letter signed by the 51 former intelligence officials;

(ii) recommendations to prevent the Intelligence Community or anyone who works for or within it from inappropriately influencing domestic elections; and
(iii) any disciplinary action—including the termination of security clearances—that should be taken against anyone who engaged in inappropriate conduct related to the letter signed by the 51 former intelligence officials.”

Trump had not forgotten the Zionist CIA scum treason and the dirty pervert Biden shit sucking this wife’s knickers in Mar O Lago – in ninety days the CIA anal abuser Zionist pervert shit will face more charges of treason and corruption with the Netanyahu and Zelensky Zionist pig scum.