War criminal baby killer and bloated crooked pervert Mark ‘piss boy’ Milley the discredited Chief of Staff of the war criminal Zionist American scum was pardoned by daughter showering pervert Biden just before Trump’s inauguration.

The grubby Banderite Nazi loser, who was arse raped in Afghanistan by the Taliban, was in danger of being prosecuted by Trump for Treason, child rape and corruption with the Zionist Epstein Blackrock kiddie fiddlers he lied for.

Milley spent trillions on Blackrock Shit

The serial bloated loser, who stinks of dead babies and rape dens his uniformed genocide pigs infest, said of Trump ‘Retired U.S. Army Gen. Trump is “a fascist to the core,” according to Zionist bummer Biden journalist Bob Woodward in his book. The flabby dirty crooked Zionist shitter went on to criticise Trump’s mental health ‘I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist,” stated Miley , who served as chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2019 to 2023. Insiders queried this considering how much time Milley spent sucking off penis piano playing dwarf Zelensky

Milley bribed, biggered and stole billions

Facing prison for treason and animal buggery under Trump that left the pervert Biden no choice but to issue a pardon for the traitor to hide his dirty pervert Blackrock Zionist anal abuser crimes .

The American people have seen the crooked perverted dirty pussy boy of the Zionist oligarchs for the treasonous thieving pervert shit he is and his ugly dirty traitor scum picture was immediately removed from the Pentagon – the filthy pig had that last humiliation as his piss stink of treason and Zionist paedo was binned.

Nazi Biden Zionist pig before removal
Milley removed – traitors get no respect

Another dirty Zionist loser military twat exposed as a filthy traitor of the rape den child abuser Zionist oligarchs – the filthy shit will be humiliated wherever the Banderite Nazi bummer goes.

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