The daughter showering crooked pervert Biden has been flushed from office and his genocide racist perverted globalist scum have to hide their corruption and crimes. Take for example, the demented deviant Samantha Powell, the leader of the most corrupt organisation of war crimes and genocide the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID.

The filthy dirty war criminal has been a key in the genocide and war crimes of their paid vassal scum from Nazis in Ukraine and to the grubby installed American shit in Armenia, Haiti, Sudan, Congo and other regions of the world. And of course, the Zionist scum racist genocide on Palestine by the imported fake Semite Nazi village scum of Netanyahu.

In an exit interview with POLITICO Magazine, the manky twat Power voiced ‘regret’ on her mass murder of predominantly women and children by racist American filthy supplied weapons that: “I wish we could have ended the war in Gaza far sooner … and done more to end this the hell that the people of Gaza have experienced.”
Power, a narcissist World Economic Forum grubby globalist filthy twat, began her rise to the top of Washington’s foreign policy scene with her Pulitzer Prize-winning 2002 book, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, and later served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under the Obama genocide paedophile Epstein Netanyahu rape den bummer administration.

The perverted deviant whore tried to hide the role of USAID in the illegal biolab funding of the US military across the globe that resulted in the COVID genocide – the filthy grubby twat tried to blame Russia and China for misinformation when her own Congress had exposed the treason of the filthy lying crooked WEF globalist racist twat, stating to the Zionist scum Politicio paedo hiding filth ‘We are an agency that has thousands of people around the world representing the United States, ..can spot infectious diseases and tackle them, to change regulations so it’s easier for American businesses to invest’ and ‘The best testament to USAID’s contribution is the surge in PRC-backed and Russian-backed propaganda maligning USAID and our work around the world.’

It was the genocide in Gaza that the filthy shitter really tried to hide her role in the Netanyahu genocide where the pig that supplied hundreds of thousands of bombs to the racist imported Zionist Nazi village shit stated to the Zionist politico scum media ‘ The macro picture is devastating. There’s no other way around it. I think at least 13,000 kids killed since Oct. 7, according to U.N. numbers. The displacement of at least 1.9 million people, the destruction of cropland. The recovery here is going to be extremely challenging, and the losses are indescribable to the civilians there.’

A new level of demented perversion condescension even from a globalist whore.