The Zionist whore monger is back on the genocide racist throne of the fake Semite colonialist dying empire of America – will it be any different ?
In May 2023, the jury in a civil trial found Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation, the victim was awarded $5 million in damages for defamation and sexual abuse. However, for the pervert American nation this was merely a qualifying criteria to lead their nation after all they do love their deviant Epstein and Diddy kiddie fiddler oligarchs.

Trump this time made sure the pervert oligarch media moguls and degenerates were firmly in his camp from the dirty twats hiding from declaring noncing on the Epstein Island with a child raping Mossad Agent, suicided in a New York prison, to grubby dirty gay orgies in the rap rape den pervert Zionist media of Miami.
One after one the pervert oligarchs hiding from exposure of their dirty pervert visits to child abuser Israeli ran rape dens had to bow and kiss the ring of the PussyGrabber to evade ‘investigation’ by the FBI child abuser hiding police. So what has the whoremonger oligarch promised his serf nation where each tax payer owes over $300,000 to the ever increasing National Debt of $36.5Tn.
Donald Trump’s 2024 promises and themes emerging from his 2024 campaign:
1. Immigration
• Finish the Border Wall a largely symbolic act as tunnelled like a sieve these days and use the his military to assist in border security in stopping refugees and asylum seekers – largely escaping the war crimes of the American installed juntas and colonialism thievery.
• Deportation of Illegal Immigrants – he promised to the masses that 25 million cheap migrant workers would be ‘sent back’ while knowing his oligarchs would never allow that to happen. In fact, Musk had to point out to Trump American workers are ‘dumb’ and he would carry on shipping in Indians and their families on H1B1 visas with his dwarf twat oligarch doggy mate…. The pussy grabber Trump said nothing to the South African Zionist Epstein nonce resulting in MAGA mocking the African pervert social media oligarch who loves the Netanyahu pervert dens.

2. Economy• Tax Cuts: Trump has promised to cut taxes again, particularly for businesses and high-income earners, aiming to stimulate economic growth. It was amazing how the ‘dumb’ serf nation failed to realise they were being robbed by the rich ..again !
• Job Creation: Trump pledged to bring jobs back to the U.S., particularly manufacturing jobs, by pushing for policies that encourage companies to return their operations from abroad, particularly from China. Bringing low value ‘dumb’ jobs back to America to make cheap product expensive is up there with the Stalinist losers of the last century. Even Daughter Showering Biden tried and failed to this with billions wasted on car workers making cars nobody wanted.. or could afford.
• Energy Independence: A major part of his economic vision is to strengthen U.S. energy independence, which includes promoting fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and coal, while rolling back environmental regulations he sees as stifling energy production. So despite cataclysmic natural events from hurricanes, typhoons and wild fires on the American nation clearly linked to climate change the clown will continue to line the pockets of his polluters and perverts.
3. Foreign Policy
• Tough on China: Trump remains committed to confronting China on trade imbalances, intellectual property theft, and national security concerns. He has called for stronger tariffs on anyone and everyone foreign from China to his own allies who bankrupted themselves being atse raled by Russia in another loser American Proxy war. All it means is less jobs for Americans as their goods will be tariffed and more expensive products for them not to be able to afford..
• Reassert “America First”: He promised to prioritize American interests in global affairs, including renegotiating trade deals he views as disadvantageous to the U.S. His nationalistic gibber may fool the serf nation but with an oligarch Indian and African shitters looking at his doggy policies will only mean more and more American workers will be laid off while the rich get richer.

• Strengthening NATO: Trump has signaled that NATO allies must increase their defense spending, and he has emphasized a need for NATO to focus more on China as a threat, alongside traditional concerns like Russia. The only threat to the world is the Americans and their grubby anal abuser NATO vassal runts – hopefully as Russia minces the loser Banderite Ukrainian Nazis and China bankrupts America in a unwinable pacific arms race the American genocide losers will piss off back to their own rat infest meth cities.
4. Law and Order
• Support for Police: Continuing his support for law enforcement, Trump opposes the “defund the police” movement and advocates for more funding and support for police departments. These are same Police that beat up Jan 6 protesters, shot at protestors who resisted the anal rapist Netanyahu genocide, battered you in COVID lockdown and stop you protesting by force – the ‘thin blue line’ of these Zionist paramilitary shit of the rich scum is a joke. The police are a corrupt pervert repressive force of the child abuser oligarchy.
• Tough on Crime: Trump pledges to crack down on crime, particularly in cities suffering from high crime rates, with a focus on increasing penalties for violent crimes and expanding law enforcement powers. This way his drug dealing oligarchy can make more money and the Epstein perverts can continue to fill the prisons with slave Labour for his Blackrock paedophile Zionist scum.
6. Health Care
• Repeal and Replace Obamacare to ensure that only the rich can get healthcare and if you get ill you’re bankrupt – to pervert Zionist doctors and pharma scum who will rake even more billions feeding on the elderly and sick while keeping the pussy grabber in power.

• Lower Prescription Drug Costs a common lie of every president who take the money from the scum pharma oligarchs and feed this drivel to thick piss choking for lack of money for an inhaler for votes . Just another publicity stunt from the crooked paid Zionist pervert clown. Let the American serf loser shit rot for lack of universal healthcare while the rich live longer exploiting them can be the only conclusion from the Trump perverts.
7. Second Amendment Rights
• Protect Gun Rights: Trump has pledged to safeguard Second Amendment rights, opposing any form of gun control legislation as all MAGA creepy genocide Zionist pervert shit do love their weapons and crime filled cities – watching 100,000 Americans get blown away by other other Americans largely in drug wars that also kill another 100,000 Americans, predominantly the young, in drug abuse shiws he cares little fir dead Americans. This death rate means no other can kill more Americans than the Americans themselves.

8. Social Issues
• Pro-Life Advocacy: Trump remains committed to pro-life policies, including opposition to abortion and judicial appointments that could overturn Roe v. Wade unless he gets some gold digging slut pregnant as that particular foetus will be butchered quicker than a holocaust victim.
• Opposition to “Woke” Culture: Trump continues to position himself as an opponent of what he terms “woke” policies which is interesting considering the number perverted deviant filthy Zionist racist freaks the twat knows. From Gates to Musk he reeks of dirty depraved rapist pervert racist grubby old shit Netanyahu rake den deviant scum .
9. National Defense
• Military Strength: Trump has emphasized the need to continue strengthening the U.S. military, that will involve spending $1,000,000,000,000 per year on useless military equipment that is little more than drone targets and rape den deviant uniformed losers in the 800+ bases around the world where the filthy American scum are despised. Obviously none of this actually defends America as its cities resound to death and disease rotting like the anus of a prostitute in the Zionist paedo dens of Netanyahu.

• Veterans’ Affairs: He has pledged to continue improving care and services for U.S. military veterans as he does like to play the carer of the war criminal anal abuser military scum who rot in PTSD and homelessness despised as baby killers and Zionist rape den filth. Obviously he was the pig that sent them places across the globe to die or murder for the Zionist oligarch child abusers.
10. Judicial Appointments
• Appoint Conservative Judges: Trump has promised to continue appointing conservative judges to federal courts to keep the Zionist pervert scum oligarchy in power and robbing of the American people by installed corrupt pig judges and pervert deviant racist fake Semite holocaust lying Nazi village twattery – in other words anything to hide the child raping pervert Zionist oligarchs.
11. Education
• School Choice and Charter Schools: Trump advocates for expanded school choice or rather keep the poor and minorities out of the Zionist white schools.
12. Election Integrity
• Election Reforms: Trump continues to focus on claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, promising to implement reforms to ensure election integrity, including measures to tighten voter ID laws and increase oversight of mail-in voting especially if you’re a minority and ensure the two party state continues.
Trump’s 2024 campaign promised reflect a continuation of his “America First” platform with a strong emphasis on conservative principles, nationalism, and opposition to progressive policies – ie. keep the borrowing going to $51Tn by 2028 and suck that Zionist little penis like a dirty rape den slut by fighting never ending loser wars for imported Nazi village crooked racist fake Semite Israeli paedos while robbing the thick MAGA loser piss that elect rape den oligarchs.

Remove the dirty Zionist American pervert shit from your nations and laugh at the loser American serf shit stink.